Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 2 at SSW

Well, what we saw of the Seminary is really nice. But we just got back from one of the local ER's. Spud tripped at the daycare and the corner of a coffee table decided to hit him in the head. He now has four stitches above his left eye and a big knot. The faculty and students here have bent over backwards to help us out and Elizabeth has been especially helpful. She stayed with us while Spud was getting stitched up and offered to bring us dinner from an outside restaurant and get some kids motrin for him. The Dean of the school came to the hospital and bought Spud a great big corduroy Elmo from the gift shop... I'm sold. If the discernment process plays out, I definitely want to come here.

Update: Spud is doing great. We stayed the extra day and left yesterday evening. We got back to Arkansas around 6am this morining and I am now at work, so can't post much now. I'll update everyone on the rest of the trip, which was absolutely wonderful except for the ER trip, but even that let us see Austin's top notch health care system. I want to thank everyone that has been praying for us and for Spud.


Leonard said...

What no Ice Cream? Are you certain about your future? A future with apparently no sensitivity for the importance of ICE CREAM (to rub on wound and to´s multi-purpose). Tread carefully! Happy healing to Spud!

June Butler said...

Hillbilly, I'm so sorry about Spud's accident. Prayers that he will heal quickly.

Prayers also for your discernment process.

Lauralew said...

What a trip with children can bring! I'm so happy you were shown radical hospitality. Hugs and prayers for Spud and for all your family.