Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Storm's Over

And we were one of the few houses to have power throughout. In Northwest Arkansas, they are saying over 100,000 people are without power, and some may not get it back on for weeks. They're calling it the worst ice storm in our history, which is saying something. Rogers wound up with around an inch of ice, and Springdale, our neighbor to the south received almost two inches. Thank you all for your prayers! I'll try to post pics from the storm later...

Update: Here are some pics I nabbed from the Arkansas Times... Like I said, ice is pretty, but I'd rather look at pictures...


Lauralew said...

And you were able to get to work in this?! Incredible!

Rev. Raggsdale said...

I have a front wheel drive car, and didn't go over 25mph the whole way here. Since I work in a VA Hospital, I "have to be here"...even though the power went out yesterday and wasn't restored until about 2pm today.

June Butler said...

Hillbilly, what a mess! And all the cold people!

And we were one of the few houses to have power throughout.

Ya see! I prayed for you. But I prayed for the other folks who were affected by the storm, too. Do most of the houses have generators?

Rev. Raggsdale said...


Some did. Most of us have been through this before and had alternative means of heat, propane and kerosene heaters, camp stoves, etc. One of the nurses at work used her propane turkey fryer without oil to heat the livingroom. On the whole, most of us made out ok. Only a couple of traffic related deaths, a few unconsious folk who tried to run their generators in the garage, and a great many pretty trees destroyed or wounded. Fayetteville looks like a bomb went off over the city.

Makes me wonder, if so many of us weren't the outdoors/hunting/fishing types, would we have fared as well?